Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Step 3. Set up functionalities to create/remove test output folder which is handled by set_up and tear_down module (as shown in the test example for script in (3))

Image Added

Step 4. Write unit test called 'test_dt' for function 'srf_dt'.  Each test unit should have prefix 'test_' as part of the test function name so that it can be executed by pytest.  By default, Pytest will execute every function with 'test_' prefix in order, but you can  Use the builtin pytest.mark.parametrize decorator to enable parametrization of arguments for a test function. The @parametrize decorator defines two different (test_dt,expected_dt) tuples so that the function 'test_dt' will run twice using them in turn. The expected value eg '2.50000e-02' should be manually picked but not by using python reading functions from the sample output file.


Step 5. Run Pytest


(21) Script: 

Code Block
"""Instructions: Sample1 folder contains a sample output taken from hypocentre. Its path is noted in the readme file. In that path you will find the along with other 5 output files. Use them as the benchmark files.If you want another sample to be tested, 
   create a similar folder structure like sample1 and store the relevant files there (e.g:sample2). While running the test change sample1 to sample2

   Just to run : py.test -s (or) python -m pytest -s -v
   To know the code coverage : py.test
   To know the test coverage :python -m pytest --cov ../../
from qcore import shared   # for calling shared.exe
from datetime import datetime
import os
import shutil
import getpass
import errno
# declare input/output paths
PATH_TO_SAMPLE_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"sample1")
PATH_TO_SAMPLE_OUTDIR = os.path.join(PATH_TO_SAMPLE_DIR, "output")
SYMLINK_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), INPUT_FILENAME)
DIR_NAME = (os.path.join("/home/",getpass.getuser(),("tmp_" + os.path.basename(__file__)[:-3] + '_' + ''.join(str('.', '_')).replace(':', '_'))
PATH_FOR_PRG_TOBE_TESTED = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())), ""))

def def setup_module(scope="module"):
    """ create a symbolic link for"""
    print "---------setup_module------------"
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
    sample_path = os.path.join(PATH_TO_SAMPLE_INPUT_DIR, INPUT_FILENAME)

def test_gencords():
    """ test qcore/ """
    print "---------test_gencords------------"
    shared.exe("python " + PATH_FOR_PRG_TOBE_TESTED + " " + DIR_NAME)   # the most important function to execute the whole script
    out,err = shared.exe("diff -qr " + DIR_NAME + " " + PATH_TO_SAMPLE_OUTDIR)  # compare difference between test and sample output
    assert out == "" and err == ""
    shutil.rmtree(DIR_NAME)   # remove test output dir if tests are passed

def teardown_module():
    """ delete the symbolic link for"""
    print "---------teardown_module------------"
    if (os.path.isfile(SYMLINK_PATH)):

(2) Library:

Code Block
""" Command to run this test: 'python -m pytest -v -s'  
	To know the code coverage : py.test
	To know the test coverage :python -m pytest --cov ../../

from qcore import srf, shared
import pytest
from datetime import datetime
import os
import numpy as np
import sys
import getpass
import shutil
import errno

SRF_1_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "sample1/input/Hossack_HYP01-01_S1244.srf")
SRF_2_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "sample2/input/Tuakana13_HYP01-01_S1244.srf")
SRF_3_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "sample3/input/single_point_source.srf")# This is a fake one, just created for testing single point source
SRF_1_CNR_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "sample1/output/cnrs.txt")
SRF_2_CNR_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "sample2/output/cnrs.txt")
SRF_1_OUT_ARRAY_SRF2LLV = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "sample1/output/out_array_srf2llv.bin")
SRF_2_OUT_ARRAY_SRF2LLV = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "sample2/output/out_array_srf2llv.bin")
SRF_1_OUT_ARRAY_SRF2LLV_PY = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "sample1/output/out_array_srf2llv_py.bin")
SRF_2_OUT_ARRAY_SRF2LLV_PY = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "sample2/output/out_array_srf2llv_py.bin")
SRF_1_PLANES = srf.read_header(SRF_1_PATH, True)
SRF_2_PLANES = srf.read_header(SRF_2_PATH, True)
HEADERS = ['centre', 'nstrike', 'ndip', 'length', 'width', 'strike', 'dip', 'dtop', 'shyp', 'dhyp']
DIR_NAME = (os.path.join("/home/",getpass.getuser(),("tmp_" + os.path.basename(__file__)[:-3] + '_' + ''.join(str('.', '_')).replace(':', '_'))

def setup_module(scope="module"):
    """ create a tmp directory for storing output from test"""
    print "----------setup_module----------"
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

def teardown_module():
    """ delete the tmp directory if it is empty"""
    print "---------teardown_module------------"
    if len(os.listdir(DIR_NAME)) == 0:
        except (IOError, OSError) as (e):

@pytest.mark.parametrize("plane, expected_values",[( SRF_1_PLANES[0], [[176.2354,-38.3404], 34, 92, 3.44, 9.24, 230, 60, 0.00, 0.00, 5.54]),
                                                (SRF_2_PLANES[0],[[176.8003, -37.0990], 46, 104, 4.57, 10.44, 21, 50, 0.00, 0.00, 6.27]),
                                                (SRF_2_PLANES[1], [[176.8263, -37.0622], 49, 104, 4.89, 10.44, 37, 50, 0.00, -999.90, -999.90])])
def test_plane(plane, expected_values):
    """ Tests for the header lines  """
    for i in xrange(len(HEADERS)):
        assert(plane[HEADERS[i]] == expected_values[i])

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_dt, expected_dt", [(SRF_1_PATH, 2.50000e-02),
                                                  (SRF_2_PATH, 2.50000e-02), ])
def test_dt(test_dt, expected_dt):
    assert srf.srf_dt(test_dt) == expected_dt

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_dxy, expected_dxy",[(SRF_1_PATH, (0.10,0.10)),
def test_dxy(test_dxy, expected_dxy):
    assert srf.srf_dxy(test_dxy) == expected_dxy

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_srf,filename,sample_cnr_file_path",[(SRF_1_PATH,'cnrs1.txt',SRF_1_CNR_PATH), (SRF_2_PATH,'cnrs2.txt',SRF_2_CNR_PATH)])
def test_srf2corners(test_srf,filename,sample_cnr_file_path):
    # NOTE : The testing was carried out based on the assumption that the hypocentre was correct
    # srf.srf2corners method calls the get_hypo method inside it, which gives the hypocentre value
    abs_filename = os.path.join(DIR_NAME,filename)
    print "abs_filename: ",abs_filename
    out, err = shared.exe("diff -qr " + sample_cnr_file_path + " " + abs_filename)
    assert out == "" and err == ""
    except (IOError, OSError):

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_srf,expected_latlondepth",[(SRF_1_PATH, {'lat': -38.3354, 'depth': 0.0431, 'lon': 176.2414}),\
                                                          (SRF_2_PATH, {'lat': -37.1105, 'depth': 0.0381, 'lon': 176.7958}
def test_read_latlondepth(test_srf,expected_latlondepth): #give you so many lat,lon,depth points

    points = srf.read_latlondepth(test_srf)
    assert points[9] == expected_latlondepth  # 10th point in the srf file

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_srf,seg,depth,expected_bounds",[(SRF_1_PATH, -1, True,[[(176.2493, -38.3301, 0.0431), (176.2202, -38.3495, 0.0431), (176.1814, -38.3221, 7.886), (176.2105, -38.3027, 7.886)]]
),(SRF_2_PATH, -1, True,[[(176.7922, -37.118, 0.0381), (176.8101, -37.0806, 0.0381), (176.876, -37.1089, 7.8931), (176.8581, -37.1464, 7.8931)], [(176.8107, -37.0798, 0.038), (176.8433, -37.0455, 0.038), (176.9092, -37.0739, 7.8672), (176.8765, -37.1082, 7.8672)]]), \
                                               (SRF_1_PATH, -1, False,[[(176.2493, -38.3301), (176.2202, -38.3495), (176.1814, -38.3221), (176.2105, -38.3027)]]
),(SRF_2_PATH, -1, False,[[(176.7922, -37.118), (176.8101, -37.0806), (176.876, -37.1089), (176.8581, -37.1464)], [(176.8107, -37.0798), (176.8433, -37.0455), (176.9092, -37.0739), (176.8765, -37.1082)]]
def test_get_bounds(test_srf, seg, depth, expected_bounds):
    assert srf.get_bounds(test_srf, seg=seg, depth=depth) == expected_bounds

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_srf, expected_nseg",[(SRF_1_PATH, 1),(SRF_2_PATH,2)])
def test_get_nseg(test_srf, expected_nseg):
    assert srf.get_nseg(test_srf) == expected_nseg

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_srf, expected_result",[(SRF_1_PATH, True),(SRF_2_PATH,True)])
def test_is_ff(test_srf, expected_result):
    assert srf.is_ff(test_srf) == expected_result

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_srf_planes, expected_result",[(SRF_1_PLANES, 1),(SRF_2_PLANES,2)])
def test_nplane1(test_srf_planes, expected_result):
    assert len(test_srf_planes) == expected_result

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_srf, expected_result",[(SRF_1_PATH,(AssertionError)),(SRF_2_PATH,AssertionError),(SRF_3_PATH,(0, 60, 30))])
def test_ps_params(test_srf, expected_result):
        print "point is single- in try block"
    except AssertionError:
        print "point is not single-except block "
    assert srf.ps_params(test_srf) == expected_result #only check strike, dip, rake values if it is a single point source

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_srf, sample_out_array",[(SRF_1_PATH,SRF_1_OUT_ARRAY_SRF2LLV),(SRF_2_PATH,SRF_2_OUT_ARRAY_SRF2LLV)])
def test_srf2llv(test_srf, sample_out_array):
    sample_array = np.fromfile(sample_out_array, dtype='3<f4')
    out_array = srf.srf2llv(test_srf)

@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_srf, sample_out_array",[(SRF_1_PATH,SRF_1_OUT_ARRAY_SRF2LLV_PY),(SRF_2_PATH,SRF_2_OUT_ARRAY_SRF2LLV_PY)],)
def test_srf2llv_py(test_srf, sample_out_array):
    sample_array = np.fromfile(sample_out_array, dtype = '3<f4')
    out_array_list = srf.srf2llv_py(test_srf)
    out_array = out_array_list[0]
    # out_array[0] += 1 # Use this, if you want to test for a fail case, by changing a value in the out_array
    for array in out_array_list[1:]:
        out_array = np.concatenate([out_array, array])
    print("first out array", out_array)

def compare_np_array(array1, array2, error_limit):
    """array1: a numpy array from sample output, will be used as the denominator,
       array2: a numpy array from test output, makes part of the numerator.
       error_limit: preset error_limit to be compared with the relative error (array1-array2)/array1
    assert array1.shape == array2.shape
    relative_error = np.divide((array1 - array2), array1)
    print "relative_error: *********** ", relative_error
    max_relative_error = np.nanmax(np.abs(relative_error))
    print "max_relative_error: *********** ", max_relative_error
    assert max_relative_error <= error_limit


4. Test Responsibility

(1) Scripts tests are conducted by a person that is not involved in the development of the script.

(2) Library tests/Unit tests are created and executed by the developer of the unit.

All Scripts and Library files must pass the tests before being accepted to the usgmsim Git repositories.

