Compatibility with EndNote’s Cite-While-You-Write (CWYW) Tools

Microsoft Word and a few other common word processors are compatible with EndNote’s Cite-While-You-Write (CWYW) tools

If you use a word processor that is not CWYW compatible, you can use EndNote’s Format Paper feature to format citations and generate a list of references.

Using EndNote with a CWYW-Incompatible Word Processor

Writing the Paper in the Word Processor

  • In EndNote, select the reference you want by clicking on it. If you need more than one reference at a time, hold down Ctrl key as you click
  • Press Ctrl+C to copy the references
  • Switch to the word processor
    • Hint: use Alt+Tab to switch between programs
  • Place the cursor where the in-text citation is to be inserted. Press Ctrl+V to paste the reference
    • There are various controls used to change the format of the in-text references (see Method 2 - Unformatted citations); for example, to add page numbers or to change “(Smith, 2013)” to “Smith (2013)”. Several controls can be used in one citation
  • At the bottom of the document, add a new page with a page break (shortcut Ctrl+Enter), add the heading required (for example, “Reference List” or “Bibliography”), and press Enter a few times so the cursor is placed where you want the list of references to begin

To Generate the Paper with Formatted Citations and Reference

  • In the word processor, create a copy of the document in RTF format. Typically this is done via File > Save As > Rich Text Format
  • In EndNote, open the library if necessary, and ensure that the correct output style is selected (top left-hand corner of screen)
  • Click Tools > Format Paper >Format Paper… > select the RTF file > Open button
    EndNote will check that the citations in the paper are matched in the EndNote library
  • Check the correct output style is selected (bottom right of screen), and then click the Format button
  • A new RTF document will be generated > Save
  • In the word processor, open the newly generated RTF document
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